Shackle is Anne La Berge on flute and electronics and Robert van Heumen on laptop-instrument. Their aim is to explicitly and subtly exploit shackling in both concept and material.

Shackle in De Ruimte

by Anne on April 30, 2016

De Ruimte is an art and concert space with a cafe and an impressive view in the North of Amsterdam.

The ambitious and friendly staff is working to expand their programming to include electro-acoustic improvised music and last night was one of those nights with Shackle and the Oslo trio Lindvall/Myhr/Gismervik.

The room led us into some soft drawn-out soundscapes where the Shackle sections named
Imagine, Screw, Limit and Forge found new sonic forms.

We love to play.

Shackle set up with a view.

Shackle set up with a view.